My fiance plus I got into the real estate corporation by accident. Someone in my family wanted to sell their dwelling suddenly plus my fiance plus I had some cash from a recent stock sale. My buddy and I used the money to buy the home so our family member could get a divorce plus pay for a lawyer. My buddy and I fixed up the home over a year plus then we decided to sell the property. My buddy and I made a windfall plus that has when we decided to buy another place. My buddy and I looked for houses that wanted a cash offer. When people sell their dwelling for cash, it can be genuinely quick plus convenient. You don’t have to wait for a bank to approve your loan plus there is no need to repair any issues that are happening inside of the house. When we offer to buy your Jacksonville house, we take all of the risk. My buddy and I looked for properties that wanted cash plus we found an incomplete construction condo that was down by the river. The construction condo was for sale plus they wanted a genuinely low cash offer. The place needed major repairs plus permits from the town but I knew that the condo had the potential to make a lot of money. My fiance plus I bought that condo plus sold it last year for $3 million. My buddy and I only paid $200,000 for the property. It was genuinely one of the best cash for condo transactions that we have made during our 10 years in the real estate buying plus selling business.