I never absolutely liked my house in Jacksonville, FL to beginning with. So I was already residing in a house that I wanted to get rid of at any point. Then I had the fire happen. I was kicking sausage on the stove top and left it to use the powder room. The grease must have spit and hit the curtains on the window. A fire started without me realizing it. By the time I could get back, my whole living room was up in flames. Of course the extinguisher was in the living room and not accessible. I called the fire department but the fire moved fast. Half of my house was ruined due to a fire. The living room and dining part were toast. The residing room was basically wrecked. Half the household was gorgeous, the other half was totalled. I realized that I needed to go one of two ways. I either needed to sink all my insurance money into fixing the household back to its former look or sell the house and cut my losses. I didn’t like the place and I wasn’t keen on tackling a large project. So I started looking to sell my fire harm house in Jacksonville. Well nobody wants to list a house with that level of work and harm. Nobody was willing to buy a place like that unless it was a money deal. I am now for money deals over anything else. Working with a money house client was great. The woman gave me a honorablecost, explained her reasoning, and required no work. I got to take whatever I wanted from the household and leave the rest. She has so much work on her hands but seemed eager for it.